Post-acquisition disputes and related damages
It is not uncommon for parties to an otherwise smooth merger-and-acquisition (M&A) transaction to find themselves mired in disputes post-closing. M&A disputes...
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CRA excel in all types of merger-related litigations. In contested mergers, we provide consulting and expert testimony on antitrust issues, merger efficiencies, merger synergies, analysis of weak and failing firms, and analysis of material adverse effects. In unsuccessful mergers, we analyze antitrust, causation, and damages issues. For completed mergers, we provide consulting and expert testimony in appraisal and breach of fiduciary duty actions on valuation, deal process and other corporate governance issues, and industry economics. In post-acquisition disputes, we address accounting, causation, and damages issues. In all matters, CRA experts apply cutting-edge research and state-of-the-art methods to our clients’ most complex challenges.
Vice President, Co-Practice Leader of Finance
+1-510-595-2711 mattari@crai.comIt is not uncommon for parties to an otherwise smooth merger-and-acquisition (M&A) transaction to find themselves mired in disputes post-closing. M&A disputes...
In this seventh edition of The Comprehensive Guide to Economic Damages, Vice Presidents Renee McMahon and Peter Resnick have contribute chapters on...