investigations and compliance

Due Diligence & Business Intelligence

As companies compete  being able to rapidly obtain actionable intelligence is a necessity. CRA has decades of experience assisting clients with a multitude of challenges, whether it is entering a new market, considering an investment opportunity, or understanding the goals of all of its stakeholders. Our teams have worked with investment banks, hedge funds, private equity firms, family offices, sovereign wealth firms, multinational corporations, NGO’s, and other organizations and their counsel.

With diverse backgrounds in investigations, compliance, and data analytics, we develop tailored business intelligence strategies for clients that synthesizes vast amounts of information to help our clients foresee challenges, preserve value, and make decisions based on authoritative intelligence.

We also conduct in-depth background investigations of individuals and entities and evaluate high-risk accounts and transactions to identify and assess potential fraud, corruption, or sanctions-related risks. Our multi-faceted intelligence gathering approach blends our deep-subject matter expertise, data analytics skills, desktop access to myriad databases of information, language capabilities, and a network of global resources to identify critical information to help clients make informed business decisions.

Our Focus Areas


  • 01
    Inquiry uncovered remote IT worker's use of stolen identity, tied to North Korea
    CRA’s Forensic Services experts were engaged to investigate a remote IT employee, whose actual identity became questioned by management when a local police...
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  • 02
    Due diligence on a Middle Eastern financial services acquisition revealed undisclosed offshore ties affecting reputation and integrity
    CRA’s Forensic Services experts assisted a US financial services firm in its Middle East expansion endeavor by conducting comprehensive reputational and...
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  • 03
    Facilitating successful multi-billion-dollar monetization amidst unreasonable minority shareholder demands
    CRA’s Forensic Services experts were engaged by a company on the verge of an IPO, but which first needed to resolve complex litigation initiated by a minority...
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