IP litigation and damages

Trade Secrets Misappropriation

Trade secret disputes are becoming more prevalent due to increasing employee mobility, advanced technologies that enable misappropriation, and extensive reliance on global partners and international supply chains.

We are leading quantum experts in the practical application of sound economic, finance, and accounting principles to applicable remedies, including irreparable harm and measures of damages. Our internationally recognized experts have given oral and written expert evidence in trade secret matters before US federal and state courts and multiple international arbitration forums.

We also conduct detailed forensic and information security reviews to identify the facts and tell the “story” that supports or defends liability claims. Our network of global investigative and intelligence resources works with clients pre-suit to identify critical information necessary to understand and support liability elements of civil and criminal trade secret misappropriation matters.


  • 01
    Case solved: Electronic sabotage by former employee
    Our CRA Forensic Services team investigated and determined that a former executive, whose access rights and credentials had not been revoked, was responsible...
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  • 02
    Trade secret damages analysis in the electric vehicle industry
    CRA’s Intellectual Property experts were retained by a luxury hybrid and electric vehicle (EV) company to quantify economic damages in a trade secret dispute...
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  • 03
    Trade secret misappropriation suit between language services companies
    A CRA consultant was engaged by Kirkland & Ellis on behalf of their clients, Lionbridge Technologies Inc. and H.I.G. Middle Market, LLC, in a trade secret...
    View engagement

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