At the nexus of commercial success and non-obviousness
Dr. Gregory K. Bell recently testified in three successful challenges to abbreviated new drug applications (ANDA) on behalf of pharmaceutical manufacturers...
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CRA experts prepare accounting, marketing and economic analyses relevant to Commercial Success, a secondary consideration in the determination of obviousness for patents. We provide clear and fact-supported testimony in all forums where the validity of patents is at issue, including in patent infringement litigation, PTAB IPRs, and in ITC Section 337 investigations. Our experts with deep experience in the pharmaceutical and life science sectors are particularly suited to addressing Commercial Success in ANDA/Hatch-Waxman litigation.
Dr. Gregory K. Bell recently testified in three successful challenges to abbreviated new drug applications (ANDA) on behalf of pharmaceutical manufacturers...
Recent breakthroughs in the space of cardiovascular diseases, oncology and some rare diseases have revolutionized the treatment paradigm and improved outcomes...