financial litigation and regulation

Insurance & Retirement Plans

Superior economic insights for insurance matters.

CRA brings extensive expertise to complex, high-stakes insurance and retirement plan related litigation.  Our consultants have experience in business strategy, finance, economics, accounting, actuarial science, and regulation and work with you to deliver innovative analyses and practical recommendations for insurance and risk management issues.  CRA’s testifying and consulting experts combine insights from leading economic and financial academics and actuarial practitioners with a deep practical understanding of the business.  Clients come to us with their toughest challenges; in return, we deliver fact-based consulting and expert testimony.

Our focus areas


  • 01
    CRA expert witness retained by insurance company defendants for class action litigations
    Each litigation involved thousands of policyholders and large exposures for each insurance company defendant. Professor Merrill, with the help of his CRA...
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  • 02
    Cost of insurance litigations
    CRA consultants have been retained in multiple class action litigations related to universal life insurance policies where disputes have arisen over the...
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  • 03
    Reinsurance disputes
    CRA consultants have been retained in multiple disputes that have arisen as a result of reinsurance transactions. Our experts have extensive industry...
    View engagement

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