ESG and sustainability


Integrated services across your sustainability journey.

Debate around the nature and content of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) strategies and disclosures continues to accelerate, with a resultant evolution in associated standards and regulations. CRA’s multidisciplinary professionals provide an integrated suite of services that are strategically and operationally relevant across the sustainability journey and are well positioned to serve the varied and changing needs of companies, boards, executive teams, investors, lenders, and their counsel.


  • 01
    Enhancing ESG for a gas network utility
    CRA supported a major international infrastructure fund and asset manager to enhance the ESG function in a newly acquired gas network utility. We supported the...
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  • 02
    Cleaner energy portfolio support for oil and gas company
    CRA worked with a major oil and gas company to develop its future view on energy service demands and the technologies that will be required to meet those...
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  • 03
    Advising on blockchain for a more sustainable future
    CRA was retained by the government of a Middle Eastern country seeking to better understand potential opportunities associated with using blockchain to support...
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