Regulatory Disputes

Regulatory Disputes & State Aid

Regulatory Disputes
CRA professionals provide expert reports, white papers, and testimony to state, federal, and international regulatory agencies regarding the effects of regulatory changes on consumers, social welfare, the industry, and competition. Our experts have provided analysis and have advised clients and regulators in matters pertaining to the evolution of regulatory rules in digital platform and cloud industries, telecommunications, video markets, postal and package delivery markets, energy markets, alcoholic beverages, and transportation markets, among other industries. We apply well-founded principles of competition and regulatory economics to the institutional facts and to provide insights and guidance for our clients and regulatory decision-makers in regulatory disputes and rule-makings. CRA experts are recognized for providing nuanced analysis to evaluate and design regulatory rules to achieve desired outcomes.

State Aid
State aid has become an important concern of the European Commission since the 2008 financial crisis, as the unprecedented severity of the crisis resulted in significant amounts of State support being granted to financial institutions and other companies. The Commission increasingly uses economic analyses in its assessments.

CRA has helped various companies and governmental departments to assess whether the aid in question is state aid, and if it is, whether this aid is compatible with the state aid rules. We have advised on the terms of some of the most high-profile government interventions, such as the restructuring of the Irish banking sector.


  • 01
    Economic impact of export restrictions on timber logs produced in British Columbia
    Dr. Serge Moresi provided expert opinion in a dispute between the Government of Canada and Mosaic Forest Management Corporation, TimberWest Forest Company, and...
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  • 02
  • 03
    European Commission accepts commitments my Mastercard and Visa to cut inter-regional interchange fees
    On 29 April 2019 the European Commission has accepted commitments Mastercard and Visa made in relation to their inter-regional multilateral interchange fees...
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