Rahul Chhabra


Dr. Rahul Chhabra is a principal in the Finance Practice with extensive experience in matters including insider trading, securities litigation, international arbitration, and market manipulation.

Rahul has expertise in statistical and financial analyses such as event study, valuation, and damages analyses and has provided deposition/trial support to experts.

His work spans several industries including real estate, financial services, information technology, pharmaceuticals, and energy. Prior to CRA, Rahul completed his PhD in Finance from the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan. His research and teaching were in the area of corporate finance. Rahul is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) charter holder.

Selected engagements

  • 01
    Valuation and oppression damages on behalf of minority shareholders of top-5 copper mining asset
    CRA assisted counsel to dissenting minority shareholders in a multi-billion arbitration claim related to the acquisition by Rio Tinto, the majority shareholder...
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  • 02
    Precious metals spoofing allegations
    CRA was retained by counsel to members of a precious metals trading desk as they faced charges including racketeering, conspiracy, spoofing, and attempted...
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  • 03
    Arbitration related to the earnout payments for the acquisition of a packaging manufacturer
    Dr. Tiago Duarte-Silva was retained by counsel to the respondent in an arbitration related to earnout payments for the acquisition of a packaging manufacturing...
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