Nicholas J. Weir

Vice President

Nicholas J. Weir is a Vice President in CRA’s Financial Markets Practice.

Prior to joining CRA, he was Managing Director and Principal and also the Director of the Securities Practice at Navigant Economics (formerly Chicago Partners, LLC). He was previously a Partner at Coopers & Lybrand where he spent eight years managing an expert services practice involving complex securities, commodities, and derivative product litigation and consulting related matters.

Mr. Weir has more than 40 years of experience in the commodities, securities, and derivative products industries. He has traded in both regulated and unregulated commodity and derivative product markets. He became professionally involved in commodity and financial instrument trading in 1978 while employed by Cargill, Inc., a multinational trading conglomerate. Mr. Weir was responsible for the trading management of proprietary commodity, foreign exchange and interest rate risk interests of Cargill, Inc. He was engaged in trading billions of dollars of risk daily in those markets. From 1982 to 1986 Mr. Weir lived in Geneva, Switzerland, where he traded the European, US, and Far Eastern Interbank foreign exchange and interest rate markets, physical commodities, futures, and options at the International Monetary Market of the Chicago Mercantile Ex-change and Chicago Board of Trade. Mr. Weir had multimillion dollar position-taking authority for speculative and risk management transactions in 24-hour-a-day trading in commodity markets from a foreign exchange and interest rate trading operation at Tradax Geneva, S.A., a management company for the international activities of Cargill, Inc. He traded foreign exchange spreads, specializing in currencies of the European Monetary System (EMS) and forward-forward interest rate spreads and has extensive trading experience in all of the interest rates of the major currencies. Mr. Weir was a market maker for interests trading through Tradax. He also executed commodity and interest rate trading and investment in speculative and risk management transactions for Cargill offices in Geneva, London, Paris, Amsterdam, Milan, Brussels and Hamburg.

Selected engagements

  • 01
    Disputed ISDA derivatives transactions
    CRA consulted and testified in litigation involving the settlement of thousands of disputed ISDA derivatives transactions.
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  • 02
    Suitability issues
    CRA testified in a landmark case involving suitability issues in securities, commodities, and over the counter trading. The case was ultimately decided in...
    View engagement


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