Michael Tate

Vice President

Michael Tate is Vice President in CRA’s Intellectual Property Practice. He has served as an expert witness or consultant in a wide range of arbitration and litigation matters, including patent, copyright, breach of contract and licensing agreements, and trademark and trade secret infringement litigation.

His work encompasses industries such as aerospace, technology, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, manufacturing, telecommunications, energy, and financial services. Although the issues vary from case to case, many matters entail an analysis and evaluation of financial data for the purpose of determining the extent of financial damages, including lost profits and reasonable royalties.

Mr. Tate also advises clients on strategic and valuation issues relating to intellectual property and license negotiations. Other litigation experience includes assisting counsel in discovery, fact-finding and information management, as well as providing assistance to counsel at deposition and trial. He has testified in matters for the American Arbitration Association and the ICC International Court of Arbitration.

Selected engagements

  • 01
    Milestone payments in funding agreement for a cystic fibrosis therapy
    CRA was retained by a non-profit organization to provide an expert opinion on damages in a breach of contract arbitration concerning a funding agreement...
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  • 02
    Trial testimony on commercial success of pharmaceutical product cited by court
    CRA determined the commercial success of a pharmaceutical product used in the treatment of prostate cancer. CRA analyzed among other things, the relevant...
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  • 03
    Reasonable royalty testimony for toner patent awarded by jury
    A CRA expert testified on the appropriate amount of a reasonable royalty to compensate the patent owner for the defendant’s use of the patent-in-suit. The...
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