A tale of two stakeholder groups in regulating healthcare AI
Despite significant spending on healthcare in the US, the industry is slow to adopt AI technology that can cut costs and improve efficiency. In this CPI...
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Dr. Ishuwar Seetharam is an Associate Principal in the Antitrust and Competition Economics Practice of CRA.
He specializes in examining the competitive effects of proposed mergers and allegations of anti-competitive behavior in antitrust litigations in various industries, including technology platforms, Internet of Things, music streaming, medical devices, semiconductors, aircraft leasing, consumer products, building and manufacturing products.
Prior to joining CRA, Dr. Seetharam completed a PhD in Economics from Stanford University where he specialized in Applied Microeconomics, Labor Economics, and Development Economics. His research focused on studying the role of business networks in spatially propagating the effects of hurricanes from disrupted to undisrupted areas of the US, and the role of supply chain linkages in incentivizing India’s small informal sector firms to join the formal sector.