Holly Brackin

Holly Brackin | Labor and Employment | Charles River Associates

Holly Brackin is a principal in the Labor & Employment Practice where she assists in organizing and preparing statistical analyses of large databases in class action labor and employment matters and consulting engagements.

Ms. Brackin has over 25 years of experience in data collection and analysis in addition to a wide range of class action and individual plaintiff matters involving wage and hour issues. Her experience includes assembling both structured and unstructured data into databases suitable for the statistical analysis of hiring, promotion, workforce reductions, pay disparity, and wage and hour claims.

She has assisted companies in evaluating claims of alleged wage and hour violations under the FLSA and state laws, including unpaid overtime, illegal clock rounding, meal and rest break violations, record-keeping and time reporting violations, and other claims of improper employer actions, including those charged under California’s Private Attorney General Act (PAGA). Ms. Brackin has extensive involvement in cases alleging the incorrect calculation of the regular rate of pay and is experienced in reviewing data and calculations from opposite parties involving exposure estimates.

Ms. Brackin has assisted with employee and independent contractor misclassification claims and has helped clients with audits and investigations from government agencies such as the EEOC and the CRD(California).

While pursuing her degree in applied mathematics with an emphasis in finance and economics, Ms. Brackin worked in the accounting department of a non-profit organization. Prior to joining CRA, Ms. Brackin was Director in the Bryan, TX, office of a labor and employment consulting firm.

Holly Brackin | Labor and Employment | Charles River Associates

Selected engagements

  • 01
    Reviewed class-action allegations for global e-commerce company
    Counsel for a global e-commerce company engaged Senior Consultant to CRA Dr. Michael Ward to review plaintiff’s class-action allegations regarding the failure...
    View engagement
