Gregory K. Bell

Group Vice President and Life Sciences Practice Leader
Gregory Bell | Expert Witness | Charles River Associates

Dr. Bell frequently testifies as an expert witness on damages in intellectual property, finance, and antitrust litigation in courts and arbitration proceedings in North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia.

Dr. Bell’s business consulting engagements focus on the economics of business strategy, working with firms to develop sustainable competitive advantages in specific product markets. He has led numerous projects concerning game theory and competitive strategy, global launch strategy, product pricing and positioning, capital budgeting and real options, and cost-benefit analyses.

Selected engagements

  • 01
    Damages due to misappropriation of trade secrets and confidential information by multiple parties
    CRA calculated actual loss, reasonable royalty damages, and unjust enrichment due to the plaintiff. Dr. Gregory K Bell provided opening and reply reports and...
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  • 02
    Lost profit damages due to manufacturer for alleged counterfeit sales
    CRA calculated the lost profits due to the manufacturer for the counterfeit drug products sold and distributed by the defendants. CRA’s analysis assisted...
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  • 03
    Estimation of historical sales in a state
    CRA was retained on behalf of defendants to address the estimation of historical retail sales for a product that is the subject of litigation under state law.
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Recent achievement

Global Leader - Arbitration Expert Witnesses 2022
Who's Who Legal


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