Daiane Nabuco

Daiane Nabuco | Risk Investigations Analytics | Charles River Associates

Daiane Nabuco is a principal with the Risk, Investigations & Analytics Practice at CRA, and is based in São Paulo, Brazil.

With over 15 years of experience in auditing, Ms. Nabuco works with large corporations on projects aimed toward identifying possible operational risks, inadequate management, and other vulnerabilities that can generate financial risk.

Prior to joining CRA, Ms. Nabuco was senior director in the Forensic & Litigation Consulting Practice at FTI Consulting and worked at Grant Thornton and Ernst Young on issues related to fraud, investigations, and disputes. She also worked with CPFL Energia Renováveis, and was responsible for structuring their Internal Audit department, conducting process mapping for high-risk areas, following up on action plans, developing reports, and other functions. Prior to that, she was a member of Deloitte’s accounting and audit team, in which she conducted quarterly, interim, and final audits, as well as internal controls.

Ms. Nabuco specializes in conducting FCPA and due diligence investigations. Her extensive experience in the area includes investigative audits focusing on fraud, internal audits and FCPA engagements in countries such as Venezuela and the United States, and external audits for service providers, associations, and businesses operating in a number of industries.

Ms. Nabuco has a degree in Accounting from the Universidade Uni Capital, as well as a graduate degree in Auditing from the Fundação Escola de Comércio Álvares Penteado (FECAP). She is a certified accountant with the Conselho Regional de Contabilidade, and has taken numerous post-graduate courses on auditing, fraud, risk, and processes, and on new changes in accounting legislation.

She is a native Portuguese speaker and has intermediate proficiency in English and Spanish.

Selected engagements

  • 01
    Anti-bribery, corruption due diligence support for healthcare acquisition
    CRA’s Risk, Investigations & Analytics team in Brazil conducted a forensic review of accounting records, performed transaction testing, and conducted over 70...
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  • 02
    Employee-vendor conflict of interest investigation
    Our investigations team identified and mapped out companies directly and indirectly related to the suspected employees and their immediate family members. We...
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  • 03
    Post-M&A dispute in e-commerce industry
    Dr. Duarte-Silva served as the Tribunal-appointed expert in an ICC arbitration concerning a post-M&A dispute between two online retail companies in Brazil and...
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