Anthony Yezer

Senior Consultant

Anthony M. Yezer is Professor of Economics at George Washington University. Specializing in regional and urban economics, Dr. Yezer’s research interests include credit risk, fair lending, and real estate finance.

Dr. Yezer has been a fellow of the Homer Hoyt Advanced Studies Institute since 1991 and currently serves on the governing board of the Financial Services Research Program. His professional publications have appeared in more than a dozen peer-reviewed journals, and he serves as principal editor for the American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association monograph series.

He served as the Federal Trade Commission’s expert witness on trade regulation under the Credit Practices Rule and its impact on consumer protection. He has prepared expert testimony on class-action disparate impact claims in insurance underwriting and housing-code application and on fair lending cases. He has also testified to the US Congress on the definition and measurement of subprime lending.


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