CRA Insights

Risks to onshore and offshore wind projects from new US Administration orders

February 7, 2025
Charles River Associates offshore wind farm sunset

On January 20, 2025 the new US Administration released a memorandum with important implications for the US wind industry, temporarily preventing the consideration of any new or renewed wind energy leasing for the purposes of electricity generation on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS).

While attention has been focused on the implications for offshore wind projects, the threat to many onshore wind projects may be just as significant given the reliance of many projects on leases for federal lands and the need for federal, environmental, and other permits. In this Insights, CRA’s Seabron Adamson and Tiago Duarte-Silva evaluate the threat to offshore assets, the effect on onshore wind projects, and the risks to off-takers, equipment suppliers, and financing providers.

Read more about risks to onshore and offshore wind projects here.