In this month’s IP Literature Watch we include a paper providing an overview of the proposed alternative dispute settlement frameworks under the Data Act and the SEP Regulation; a chapter examining the complexities surrounding the subsistence and enforcement of intellectual property rights within the metaverse, with a specific focus on copyright and trademarks; an article considering the intersection of copyright and criminal law, exploring the complexity of using criminal penalties to enforce intellectual-property laws; a study assessing the effect of government support for small and medium-sized enterprise competencies on Korean firms’ innovation; a chapter reviewing the application of patent incentives to inventions made by AI machines; a paper examining the impact of technological competition on voluntary innovation disclosure around the enactment of the Leahy-Smith America Invents Act of 2011; a chapter focusing on copyright and patent aspects of artificial intelligence in gaming; a paper analyzing inventions in green energy technologies over the period 2005-2017; and a study investigating the effect of transportation distance on knowledge spillovers and smart specialization in China.
To read more about these topics and other recent publications concerning intellectual property issues around the world, download a copy.