CRA AdequacyX is an artificial intelligence driven resource adequacy model, a Monte Carlo-based loss of load, utilizing artificial intelligence and synthetic data to simulate future conditions in the grid, such as changing load shapes and generator unit reliability.
In this Insights, the authors’ findings highlight the importance of simulating future load conditions and correlated events. Without accounting for changing load shapes, changes in cold weather outages, and other system changes, models may miss synergies between technologies or provide an inaccurate view of the resource adequacy of the system. CRA can correctly capture the capacity contribution of different generating technologies and identify reliability risks which would be missed by models that only simulate historical conditions.
Equipped with the state-of-the-art quantitative tools and market expertise, CRA is uniquely equipped to support utilities and grid operators in developing their long-term plans and evaluating trade-offs between affordability, reliability, and cleanliness.
Read more about AdequacyX here
Read the infographic here