CRA was asked by Innovative Medicines Canada (IMC) to survey Canadian industry with respect to the impact of the “promise of the patent doctrine” on pharmaceutical research and development (R&D) activity. In the report, Tim Wilsdon and Adam Mitchell-Heggs explore evidence on the link between the IP system and R&D investment in Canada. CRA initially reviewed existing assessments on the location of R&D in Canada and publicly available articles on the promise doctrine. This review was used as a framework for a structured interview guide and survey, which were distributed among members of IMC’s Legal and Compliance Network and Intellectual Property Core Team and to several Canadian business organizations. The results form the basis for the findings and discussion. To read more, click the link below.
Potential impact of a second Trump term on US healthcare policy
Similarly, with a Republican majority in the US House and Senate, it is unknown what the legislative agenda for 2025 will look like and how the nation’s public...