
Goran Vojvodic receives Best Publication in Energy

November 14, 2018

Goran Vojvodic and co-authors Ahmad Jarrah and David Morton won the Best Publication in Energy from the Energy Natural Resources and Environment (ENRE) section of INFORMS for their paper “Forward thresholds for operation of pumped-storage stations in the real-time energy market.”
The paper, published in the European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 254, No. 1, October 2016, develops the idea that the use of forward thresholds for operations at pumped-storage plants leads to efficiency and financial gains. The authors present a model for determining forward-looking thresholds for making generation and pumping decisions and pumped-storage hydroelectric plants, and argue that the forward thresholds obtained using a stochastic programming framework outperform the forward thresholds from a deterministic model.
The ENRE Best Publication Awards are given annually to the best refereed journal articles in the areas of interest of ENRE, published two calendar years prior to the year in which the award is given. The objective of the award is to recognize the contributions of ENRE members to the respective research areas.
To access the paper, click below.

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