CRA News

CRA’s 2023 Sustainability Report

July 12, 2024

In 2021, we introduced our inaugural Sustainability Report, highlighting our dedication to the four pillars of our ESG framework: Employee Empowerment, Community Advancement, ESG Advisory, and Environmental Stewardship. This year, we are proud to spotlight our ongoing commitment to these pillars, which not only benefit our team members, clients, and stakeholders but also strengthen our position in the talent market.

We are pleased to share notable highlights from 2023, showcasing our progress in enhancing our ESG initiatives and building upon our prior achievements.

Key milestones include:

  • Environmental Impact Reduction: Achieving carbon neutrality and maintaining 100% renewable energy consumption for the third consecutive year.
  • Mental Health Initiatives: Expanding mental health education and programming, including Mental Health First Aider certification for senior colleagues and global wellness days.
  • Employee Resource Group Launch: Introducing PAC@CRA, our ERG dedicated to supporting parents and caregivers within our firm.
  • Ethical Foundations: Continuing to embed strong ethical principles into our culture and client services.

We are honored to share our 2023 accomplishments and remain committed to integrating our ESG framework in how we support our clients and meet the aspirations of our team members.

Discover more about our ESG journey in the 2023 Sustainability Report.