GDT, an electronic trading platform that was designed and developed by CRA, recently held their 200th Trading Event. As independent Trading Manager, CRA manages GDT’s twice-monthly multi-seller, multi-buyer auctions, which involve hundreds of participants around the world. GDT generates benchmark prices that are used throughout the international dairy industry, and futures and financial contracts are traded based on the prices and outcomes generated by the platform. Since 2008, six million metric tons and over $20 billion of internationally traded dairy products have been sold on this growing marketplace.
About CRA’s Auctions & Competitive Bidding Practice
For two decades, CRA has designed, conducted, and monitored high-stakes auctions and other competitive transaction mechanisms in many industries and in more than a dozen countries. Whether you want to maximize the value of your assets, minimize your procurement costs, or achieve other objectives, you’ll find the expertise, experience, reputation, and support you need at CRA. To learn more, visit
Brad Miller
Vice President, Practice Leader of Auctions & Competitive Bidding
Launch of new NFX trading platform for Natural Fibre Exchange International
CRA International announced the launch of its newly enhanced and expanded trading platform for the Natural Fibre Exchange (NFX). To date, the NFX platform has...