
Cars instead of cables: V2G’s potential to enhance a flexible energy system

May 1, 2024
Charles River Associates EV charging vehicles

This article was published by Smart Energy International

Although the electrification of road transportation represents a significant challenge to our energy systems, adding pressure on power grids at the national and local levels, V2G provides immense potential as a source of flexibility to support the energy system of tomorrow, explains Francesco Nobili of Charles River Associate (CRA) Energy.

While unmanaged electric vehicle (EV) charging would require significant grid and power generation investments, vehicle-to-grid (V2G) can enhance network flexibility, lower system costs and reduce system emissions, all while simultaneously delivering benefits to consumers.

Multiple EV charging solutions currently exist, ranging from managed charging tracking live power prices through smart charging (V1G) to utilising EV batteries at times of high prices for powering our houses (V2H), or appliances (V2L).

However, this article focuses on V2G, discussing its current evolutionary position, the major hurdles to its rollout at scale, and its potential to support tomorrow’s energy systems.

Click here to read the full article

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