
Calling All Bank Directors - Redlining in the Current Environment

October 16, 2020

In a two-part podcast series for Calling All Bank Directors, David joins American Association of Bank Directors President David Baris to discuss redlining and what it might mean to your bank and board. Redlining has a long history but even to this day, it still raises its ugly head.

What is redlining? How does your board find out if your bank is engaging in redlining or appearing to do so? What preemptive steps can your bank take to assure that it is now and will be in compliance with legal and regulatory requirements? What corrective action can your board take to fix the problem and minimize risk of liability?

David answers these questions and also addresses recent enforcement actions of the banking agencies and CFPB against institutions alleged to have engaged in redlining in order to guide bank directors into taking steps now to minimize risks of enforcement actions.

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