Infocast’s Northeast Energy Summit 2014 will examine how the extreme weather from the polar vortex impacted gas and power markets, and how the lessons learned are driving changes to market rules and regional policies. Chris Russo is presenting on the topic, “Understanding Gas System Performance in the Polar Vortex of 2014: Gas Flows, Constraints and the Gas Market” The presentation will answer the questions: What happened in the gas market during the polar vortex to spike gas prices to higher than $140 bcf in some exchanges? Why were these trades made? How did gas flows change, and can similar effects be expected in the future?
For more information on this conference, click here.
From climate risk to resilience: what insurers must do next
In this article by Marakon’s Ofir Eyal, he discusses the crucial role insurers can take by financing and insuring green technologies and supporting the energy...