Sponsorship & Speaking Engagement

IP Watchdog's Women’s IP Forum

August 26-27, 2024
Ashburn, VA
Literature watch | Charles River Associates

CRA is a proud sponsor of the event.

Erin Crockett is a panelist during the session titled “The Nexus Between Patent Valuation and Patent Monetization.”

The value of a patent or a patent portfolio in the broader patent market is in some very basic way related to the likelihood that it can be successfully monetized. Thus, every successful patent monetization campaign must necessarily start with a competent, defendable, valuation exercise to either value the patent or patents that will be enforced, or the entire worldwide portfolio that will be licensed.

Even under the best of circumstances the value of any one patent, or even the combined value of an entire patent portfolio, is often shrouded in mystery. The lack of transparency associated with reporting on IP transactions can frustrate even the best attempts to identify market norms and set fair and reasonable licensing ranges. And, of course, the idea of a specific number representing an acceptable, fair market value is an impossibility due to the numerous other terms and conditions that will make up the overall license agreement.

Against this backdrop, this panel will discuss methods for valuing patents, methods for valuing patent portfolios, and the numerous issues that can and do impact value, including ancillary terms and marketplace realities that can dramatically impact value.

For more information on this event, click here.

Meet the presenters