CRA is a proud sponsor of the conference.
Margaret Sanderson is a chairperson for the event giving the opening and closing remarks.
Andrea Asoni moderates the economist plenary session.
Liz Bailey is a panelist during the session titled “Mergers: Trend towards consolidation and serial acquisitions: when are many acquisitions too many?”
Raphael De Coninck is a panelist during the session titled “Mergers: A survival guide for navigating the global antitrust landscape.”
Renée Duplantis is a panelist during the session titled “Mergers: Bridging the “gaps” – or a bridge too far? Merger control’s broader net and stricter application.”
Yajing Jiang is a panelist during the session titled “Antitrust: AI: the latest antitrust frontier”
Oli Latham is a panelist during the session titled “Mergers: Ecosystem theories of harm: a case of back to the future?”
For more information on this event, click here.