CRA Hosted Event

CRA and Geradin Partners Conference on Ad Tech and Privacy Issues

April 19, 2022
The Ned, London, UK

Join CRA and Geradin Partners to discuss antitrust issues around ad tech and privacy with regulators, academics, and industry experts from the US and Europe.

1:00pm BST  |  Registration and lunch
2:00pm BST  |  Session 1: Antitrust concerns in Ad Tech: What we know and what comes next
3:45pm BST  |  Session 2: Ad Tech and Privacy: How can competition policy help, and is all competition worth protecting?
5:15pm BST  |  Cocktail reception

Mikael Herve is a panelist during session 1 and Oliver Latham is a panelist during session 2.

The Ned  |  The Saloon
27 Poultry, London EC2R 8AJ, United Kingdom

To register for the event either is person or virtually, click here.

Meet the presenters