David Kemp is on the planning committee of the conference and moderates the session titled “Industry Panel: Pragmatic Approaches to Transfer Pricing.”
There are times that pragmatic approaches are necessary to be taken by corporate taxpayers with regards to its transfer pricing documentation. Although a burden more often borne by smaller owner managed companies, even larger owner managed companies and public companies may be required to take pragmatic approaches at times. These pragmatic approaches may be required due to budget restrictions, staffing limitations, legislation uncertainty, pending elimination and/or implementation of transactions, corporate reorganizations etc… During this topic discussion industry-based transfer pricing specialists will explore a range of approaches to balancing internal factors/limitations with reasonably complying with documentation requirements, including addressing: frequency of search updates, depth of functional analyses, description versus testing of transactions, materiality considerations, amongst various others; including the use of AI solutions in transfer pricing (e.g., functional analyses, contracts review, benchmarking; legal implications, legal privileges etc.).
For more information on this event, click here.