Sponsorship & Speaking Engagement

Annual Women in Antitrust Network Event

March 27, 2025
Sao Paulo, Brazil
#ChooseToChallenge: Spotlight on Women@CRA

CRA is a proud sponsor of the event featuring four panels, two focused on inclusion and careers, and two focused on antitrust law. Inclusion will be the central premise of all panels, with priority given to the participation of women and minorities in all discussion panels. To ensure greater accessibility and inclusion, the event will have simultaneous translation in English-Portuguese and translation in LIBRAS. Another important objective of the event is to promote integration through socializing spaces, such as coffee breaks, which will allow networking and the exchange of ideas throughout the day. In addition, the event seeks to strengthen ties with the academic and professional communities. To this end, the 2025 edition will be held at FEA-USP, a location that symbolizes the association’s closeness to these two universes.

Daiane Nabuco is a panelist during the session titled “Inequality of pay and opportunities: economic challenges for a more equitable future.”

For more information on this event, click here.

Meet the presenters