The ABA Section of Antitrust Law Spring Meeting is the world’s largest gathering of competition and consumer protection professionals. Five CRA consultants and academic affiliates will be presenting during the conference.
Darrell L. Williams is a speaker on “International perspectives: the sharing economy & disruptive technologies.” The discussion will be a fresh, global update on how innovative and disruptive technologies in diverse sectors, such as transportation and lodging, are dramatically reshaping the ways in which businesses compete and consumers engage in the economy.
Margaret F. Sanderson will be a speaker on “Do efficiencies ever offset potentially anticompetitive effects?” Merger decisions, such as UPS/TNT in Europe or Anthem/Cigna and Staples/Office Depot in the US, appear to make an efficiencies defense for a merger almost unattainable before the agencies or in litigation. How much do they matter in an investigation? Is the burden higher than in monopolization and vertical restraints? Do courts and agencies consider them a synonym of “consumer welfare”?
Joanna Tsai is a participant in a mock trial. Part 1 of the Mock Trial will focus on the parties’ opening statements; fact and expert witness presentations (both direct and cross-examination); and closing arguments. Part 2 of the Mock Trial will focus on the jury instructions and deliberations; jury verdict; and an analysis of the verdict, including a question-and-answer session with the jury.
John Hayes is a speaker on “Inside the Intel Decision.” Panelists from Europe and the U.S. will analyze the European Court of Justice’s Intel decision. The panel will discuss the implications of the ECJ’s decision on the legal standards and economic analyses applicable to loyalty incentives, as well as procedural implications for future investigations by the European Commission.
For more information, click here.
Is it fair? The FTC’s policies and enforcement actions on unfair methods of competition under Section 5
In the article “Is It Fair? The FTC’s Policies and Enforcement Actions on Unfair Methods of Competition Under Section 5,” published by the American Bar...