The ABA Section of Antitrust Law Spring Meeting is the world’s largest gathering of competition and consumer protection professionals. Five CRA consultants and academic affiliates will be presenting during the conference.
Michelle Burtis is the chair and moderator on the topic entitled “Do cartel fines measure anti-competitive harm?” Panelists will discuss the reasons certain conspiracies are more likely to produce price overcharges and whether there is a relationship between those overcharges and cartel fines.
Timothy Snail is a speaker on “Advertising bargains: is the price right?” Panelists will explore when sales and promotional offers are deceptive, what constitutes a regular or ordinary price, recent enforcement activity in the U.S. and Canada, including class action litigation, and best practices.
Joanna Tsai is the chair and moderator on “Clearing the deal in 30 days.” This session covers the kinds of analyses that are most persuasive to agency attorneys and economists to make a 30 day merger clearance happen as well as the most effective analyses to invest in and prepare for in the pre-filing stage and the first 30 days.
Fiona Scott Morton is a speaker on “Chair’s Showcase: Promoting competition/protecting consumers: in sync or at odds?” The panel discusses consumer welfare and consumer protection and if the policies are complements or substitutes.
Marsha Courchane is a speaker on “The future of financial consumer protection regulation.” This panel will assess consumer protection and competition under Dodd Frank, and examine the enforcement policies and authorities likely to survive any regulatory reform.
For more information, click here.
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