The ABA Section of Antitrust Law Spring Meeting is the world’s largest gathering of competition and consumer protection professionals. Five CRA consultants and academic affiliates will be presenting during the conference.
Steven Salop is a speaker on “Flying into Trouble?” This session examines airline mergers and discusses the merger review process and pricing practices in concentrated industries.
Fiona Scott Morton is a speaker on “Exclusionary or not? Product hopping and REMS.” The speakers will discuss patent life extension strategies, including “product hopping” and risk evaluation and management strategies (REMS).
Joanna Tsai is the chair and moderator on the topic entitled “GUPPI-based harbor: safe or perilous?” In the recent dollar store merger, the FTC Commissioners disagreed on the proper application of a Guppi-based approach to analyzing mergers. Panelists will discuss how effective the GUPPI is as a tool/screen for predicting competitive effects and/or establishing a safe harbor.
Carl Shapiro is a panelist on “Chair’s showcase: examining the per se rule.” The panelists will discuss how the per se rule applies in a criminal trial without invading the province of the jury and the difference between ‘hardcore’ and per se conduct.
Darrell Williams is a speaker during the mock trial presented by the Trial Practice Committee. Two distinguished trial teams will tackle some of the same issues tried in the government’s recent merger cases.
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The Role of Uncertainty in the Future European Horizontal Merger Guidelines: Lessons Learned From Illumina/GRAIL
Under these circumstances, it is however not entirely clear how the future competitive landscape will look like, merger effects cannot be modelled with a high...