Sponsorship & Speaking Engagement

44th Annual Ray Garrett Jr. Corporate and Securities Law Institute

September 26-27, 2024
Chicago, IL
Abstract tech building cyber forensics

Session B: Cyber Incidents: Maximizing Insurance Recoveries, Minimizing Legal and Regulatory Risks, Preserving Stakeholder Trust
Sponsored by: Charles River Associates

Cyber incidents are on the rise, with increasing cost and negative business impact. How can companies leverage their various insurance policies to maximize aggregate recovery and reduce net out-of-pocket expense? Join this lively roundtable lunch discussion to explore these and other questions.

Luma Al-Shibib, Anderson Kill P.C., New York
Jordan Kraner, Principal, Charles River Associates, Chicago
J. Andrew Moss, Reed Smith LLP, Chicago
Jonathan Rajewski, Vice President, Charles River Associates, Chicago
Kristofer Swanson, Vice President, Practice Leader of Forensic Services, Charles River Associates, Chicago


Enforcement Trends*

  • Impact of limitations of administrative forum for enforcement proceedings
  • Enforcement considerations related to gatekeepers, individual accountability, self-reporting, and cooperation
  • Whistleblower program updates
  • Enlargement of insider trading liability, increased focus on cryptocurrency space, and expansion of applying internal accounting controls in the cybersecurity arena
  • Updates on recent high-impact cases

Session Chair
Pravin Rao

Daniel Chaudoin, Winston & Strawn LLP, New York City
Rachel Copenhaver, Vedder Price, Chicago
Tina Diamantopoulos, Director, Chicago Regional Office, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Chicago
Kris Swanson, Vice President, Practice Leader of Forensic Services, Charles River Associates, Chicago

Meet the presenters