agribusiness and natural resources

Natural Resources

CRA is at the forefront of applying economic principles and analysis to the natural resources sector. Our experts have considerable experience in commodity and market outlook analysis; competition in input and output markets; and technology appraisals and R&D assessment. We are particularly skilled in the preparation of feasibility studies, business plans, and implementation strategies, and help clients sort through complex market, competitive, and economic issues to enhance or reshape both corporate and business strategies.

In litigation matters we combine our insider’s grasp of the dynamic business environment in which metals and materials companies operate with precise, accurate analysis of the economic aspects of disputes. The support we provide is based on more than 30 years of consulting and litigation experience in mining, metals, and materials.

CRA has helped shape public policy in the natural resources sector, both from inside and outside government. We help clients demonstrate the economic implications of policy alternatives, calculate the costs and benefits of new technologies, and quantify the impact of proposed legislative or regulatory changes. One of CRA’s particular strengths is the ability to translate complex technical results into language easily understood by a diverse audience of stakeholders.


  • 01
    Time series forecasting in commodities dumping matter before the International Trade Commission
    CRA experts performed financial and economic analyses regarding significant injury or threat of significant injury to the steel producer’s domestic industry....
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  • 02
    CRA assists Tribunal in treaty arbitration launched by junior mining company, with $0 awarded out of claimed $1.1 billion
    James Burrows and Tiago Duarte-Silva opined, inter alia, on the market value of that project and on the value of the portion of Eco Oro’s concession that had...
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  • 03
    CRA assists Romania and its counsel in their victory against $6.7 billion claim by Gabriel Resources (ICSID Case No. ARB/15/31)
    Gabriel Resources alleged that Romania had breached two bilateral investment treaties, including the obligation to not expropriate without compensation. The...
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