Root causes to solutions: A policy proposal to address generic drug shortages
In the United States, drug shortages have become a persistent public health issue, negatively impacting patient care and outcomes. In the last decade, the...
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CRA’s policy team provides analysis and insights into global, regional and national policy issues affecting patients, the healthcare system, and the life sciences industry. CRA has a reputation for independence and rigor, benefiting from long standing relationships with most leading life sciences organizations as well as national governments and the European Commission and industry associations. Our specialist team has provided unique policy oversight for the past 20 years delivering high quality, robust analysis in a compelling fashion that is accessible to the target audience, whomever it may be.
In the United States, drug shortages have become a persistent public health issue, negatively impacting patient care and outcomes. In the last decade, the...
Similarly, with a Republican majority in the US House and Senate, it is unknown what the legislative agenda for 2025 will look like and how the nation’s public...
CRA is a proud sponsor of the event covering market access, pricing, reimbursement, rare diseases, health technology assessments, health economics and outcomes...
CRA is a proud sponsor of the event. Elina Koustoumpardi is a speaker during the presentation titled “EU Commission Revision of 102 Guidelines: Impact on...
It’s been a little over two years since the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) was enacted. During this period, the first ten products have been negotiated with...
CRA had four posters accepted at the conference. Kirsten Axelsen and Charlotte Poon present their poster titled “Assessing the economic burden of rare disease...