life sciences

Life Sciences

We bring clarity to complex challenges.

For more than 25 years, life science companies, law firms, and regulatory agencies around the globe have turned to CRA’s life sciences consultants when they need clarity and solutions to the industry’s most complex issues. Clients value our deep industry knowledge, rigorous analytic techniques, and decades of hands-on experience spanning thousands of successful engagements.


  • 01
    ITC Section 337 trial testimony on domestic industry for consumer wearable health monitoring technology
    CRA’s Intellectual Property experts were retained by a global medical technology and consumer electronics company, to evaluate the economic prong of domestic...
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  • 02
    Lost profits, reasonable royalty damages analysis for respiratory-related medical devices
    CRA’s Intellectual Property experts were retained by a multinational developer and manufacturer of respiratory-related medical devices to determine economic...
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  • 03
    Transforming the Medical Quality and Medical Affairs organizations through AI and data-driven decision making
    A top global pharmaceutical company sought technological innovations to update their Medical Quality and Medical Affairs-related operating processes...
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