Equipment in Power Station.

Transmission Services

CRA Energy experts support clients across the entire transmission asset lifecycle.

Transmission has long been the backbone of electrical grids, but stakeholders across the industry agree it is now a critical component of the energy transition. Significant investments in transmission facilities–estimated to be hundreds of billions of dollars by 2030–are required to meet strong demand, maintain reliability, and improve grid resiliency while connecting new resources to existing load centers and upgrading aging infrastructure. These efforts are complicated by a growing need to focus on capital expenditures, extreme weather resilience, and cybersecurity. Transmission owners and RTOs are pressed to effectively manage these challenges while planning for additional capacity in an economical and equitable manner.

CRA’s team has a successful track record of assisting clients with transmission planning, capital program strategy and execution, regulatory compliance, and wholesale ratemaking. CRA experts possess extensive expertise in transaction due diligence and have assisted investors of all size understand the regulatory risks, opportunities, and cost recovery dynamics for billions of dollars in transmission assets. Whether helping clients navigate complex regulatory environments or making informed capital management decisions, CRA provides guidance on how to optimize capital allocation, assess cost recovery mechanisms, and improve project execution. Engaging CRA’s Transmission Services experts ensures solutions you can trust, backed by decades of end-to-end experience in addressing these critical challenges.


  • 01
    Transmission headroom assessment for interconnection of data centers
    The CRA team was retained by a hyperscaler to perform a US wide transmission assessment to establish transmission availability (headroom) for interconnection...
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  • 02
    Due diligence to support John Laing's entry into the North American transmission sector
    Pioneer encompasses a 42.5-mile, 765 kV transmission line and substation assets. This MISO Multi-Value Project represents John Laing’s first transmission asset...
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  • 03
    Expert witness for electric export transmission service rates
    David DesLauriers testified as an expert witness on behalf of Hydro One Networks, Inc. in a technical hearing held on July 28-29, 2022 before the Ontario...
    View engagement

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