Charles River Associates Marakon Three Gas Pipelines in Field

Markets, Policy, Regulatory & Compliance

CRA helps clients navigate global energy market, policy, and regulatory issues.

Global energy markets are facing critical changes as the sector transitions and new policies and rules are being implemented to drive efficiency. We work with clients to help shape markets, maintain reliability, improve resilience, and develop participation strategies. Beyond strategy, we support clients with market compliance, regulatory filings, audit support, violation mitigation, and dispute-related issues. We bring our expertise to assist utilities and regulatory stakeholders in electricity and gas markets with understanding the uncertainties arising from the energy transition and future regulatory landscape and how best to position themselves to influence regulation and policy.

Globally, we support stakeholders in the electricity and gas markets in a variety of engagements.

Our consulting team comprises economists, former regulatory commissioners and market operators, and subject-matter experts that provide clients with a deep understanding of industry issues and their influence on energy markets, reliability, and security.

Our focus areas


  • 01
    Due diligence to support John Laing's entry into the North American transmission sector
    Pioneer encompasses a 42.5-mile, 765 kV transmission line and substation assets. This MISO Multi-Value Project represents John Laing’s first transmission asset...
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  • 02
    Supporting Alliant Energy’s innovative distributed generation compensation proposal
    Alliant Energy’s Wisconsin Power & Light engaged CRA to support its Power Partnership proposal, an innovative model for compensating distributed generation...
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  • 03
    MISO interconnection reform
    In response to growing backlogs in its generator interconnection queue, MISO retained CRA regulatory and economic experts to evaluate milestone payments...
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