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CRA AdequacyX

CRA AdequacyX is an artificial intelligence-driven resource adequacy model

CRA AdequacyX is an artificial intelligence-driven resource adequacy model that utilizes a Monte Carlo-based loss of load approach. CRA AdequacyX uses artificial intelligence and synthetic data to simulate future grid conditions – such as changing load shapes and generator unit performance to capture correlated events like high load coupled with wide-scale outages during cold weather events. By simulating future conditions, CRA can accurately capture the capacity contribution of different generating technologies and identify critical reliability risks, which would be missed by only simulating historical conditions. Equipped with our suite of quantitative tools and market expertise, CRA can advise utilities and grid operators as they develop their long-term plans and evaluate hard trade-offs between affordability, reliability, and cleanliness.

CRA AdequacyX model approach

Outputs from CRA AdequacyX are driven by CRA’s proprietary power systems modeling suite which simulates:

CRA’s solution

CRA brings a wealth of experience in statistical, fundamental market modeling, and integrated resource planning. CRA has deployed the AdequacyX tool to aid utilities, developers, investors, and ISOs across both North America and Europe. The tool has been instrumental in evaluating areas such as reliability planning, resource capacity valuation, and weather/climate resilience, among other topics.


  • 01
    Assessed resource adequacy and risk exposure for utility clients in MISO
    CRA supported multiple utility clients in MISO and other markets through its integrated resource planning process by assessing the resource adequacy of various...
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  • 02
    Resource adequacy and cold-weather risks for large load client
    CRA supported a large load client by assessing the resource adequacy of a grid in which they were considering making a large economic investment. In addition...
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  • 03
    Supported PJM utility in addressing resource adequacy amid high load growth
    CRA supported a utility in PJM evaluate expected resource adequacy challenges due to load growth and retiring generation outpacing the new resource entry. CRA...
    View engagement

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