consumer products, health, and wellness

Consumer Products, Health & Wellness

CRA provides economic, financial, competitive, and strategic analyses for manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers of consumer products and services. Our economic and investigative expertise and deep factual understanding of consumer markets allow us to apply state-of-the-art analysis to such issues as mergers and antitrust, brand valuation, breach-of contract, and infringement of patents, copyrights, trade secrets, and trademarks.

We also work with clients to devise and implement strategies that enable value growth despite changing and challenging circumstances. We deliver fact-based and experience-driven insight on how to use strategic, operating, organizational, and financing levers in tight, integrated combination, to create value.

Our clients include manufacturers of consumer packaged goods and durables, retailers, investment companies, and pharmaceutical and OTC multinationals.

Our Focus Areas


  • 01
    Damages analysis for alleged copyright image misuse by a top skin care brand
    CRA’s Intellectual Property experts were retained by a multinational consumer goods corporation to assess damages in a litigation involving alleged copyright...
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  • 02
    ITC Section 337 trial testimony on domestic industry for consumer wearable health monitoring technology
    CRA’s Intellectual Property experts were retained by a global medical technology and consumer electronics company, to evaluate the economic prong of domestic...
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  • 03
    Post-M&A dispute in e-commerce industry
    Dr. Duarte-Silva served as the Tribunal-appointed expert in an ICC arbitration concerning a post-M&A dispute between two online retail companies in Brazil and...
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