CRA’s labor economists advised counsel to a full-service law firm in carrying out a firm-wide pay equity audit with respect to race/ethnicity and gender. CRA’s team of consultants met with pay-setters and decision-makers, collected data including attorney productivity measures (such as hours billed and origination credit), and analyzed three separate years of fixed and total compensation for broad groups of attorneys, legal secretaries, paralegals, and other staff. Upon completing the pay analysis, CRA’s experts further investigated patterns across and within years of compensation, drilled further into group differences in attorney productivity measures, and created materials to aid decision-makers in cohort and individual review.
Is the EEOC pay data dashboard a cost-effective and useful way to evaluate pay equity issues?
The EEOC released dashboard information on pay collected in 2017 and 2018 in EEO-1 Component 2 submissions with a stated purpose of allowing companies to...