
Global loss of exclusivity (LOE) planning

Cells under microscope

Client issue
Experts in CRA’s Life Sciences Practice supported a leading pharmaceutical company in planning loss of exclusivity (LOE) strategy and process at the global level.

CRA approach
We worked with the client to identify LOE workstreams and global functional priorities / activities to support execution of the LOE strategy. In addition, we developed a LOE blueprint and strategic plan to provide country teams with guidance on the global LOE strategy and approach. The CRA team then facilitated a country-level action plan development through provision of templates and guidance and provided tracking tools for ongoing monitoring of strategy execution.

Client impact
The outputs of this project provided a structured approach to global LOE strategic planning and coordination across functions. It also facilitated the creation of a global-local governance process and support for country-level LOE action planning, including localization of global LOE materials / tools.