
Global compliance assessment for private equity backed tech company

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A technology company backed by private equity was preparing to voluntarily disclose possible non-compliance with SBA set-aside terms and conditions to the US DOJ and US Small Business Administration (SBA) Office of Inspector General; the CEO and Board of Directors sought CRA’s expert assistance to prepare for and navigate this complex legal and regulatory situation. This included contextualizing the self-disclosure within the company’s journey toward enhanced compliance maturity.

CRA actions:
CRA Forensic Services professionals were engaged as an Independent Compliance Advisor to conduct a comprehensive global compliance assessment. Key actions included:

  • Third-party risk management: establishment of robust protocols across a network of over 2,000 vendors and contractors.
  • Investigation and risk mitigation: investigation into allegations of possible non-compliance, leveraging the findings to develop risk-based strategies aimed at achieving compliance with SBA government contracting requirements.
  • Governance and policy review: assessment and evaluation of the company’s governance structures, policies, and operational compliance frameworks.
  • Strategic roadmap development: creation of a comprehensive roadmap to further enhance the company’s compliance framework.

The company confirmed that our engagement has yielded substantial business, legal, and regulatory benefits including:

  • Legal outcomes: achieved favorable resolution in discussions with the government, bolstered by demonstrating a meaningful commitment to compliance.
  • Business resilience: enhanced compliance effectiveness and fostered a culture of compliance across all business operations, thereby increasing resilience and establishing sustainable competitive advantage.
  • Regulatory benefits: the company demonstrated proactive leadership throughout the design and implementation of a comprehensive global compliance program, positioning itself as a leader in regulatory adherence.
  • Client and market trust: the compliance enhancements and successful regulatory outcomes provided a compelling success story for clients and potential buyers, as the company prepares for a liquidity event.