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Mosaic@CRA, our firm’s newest ERG, looks to build on a successful 2022

Mosaic@CRA - Year in Review

In 2021, CRA launched Mosaic@CRA, an employee resource group (ERG) dedicated to the firm’s Black/African American, Latino/Hispanic, Native/First Nations, and Asian/Pacific Islander team members. The goal was to create a forum for colleagues from these underrepresented communities to come together, share their experiences, and offer ideas for how to make CRA as diverse and dynamic as possible.

The group’s first full year was one of bold ideas and impressive accomplishments, resulting in big impacts across the firm.

Celebrating cultures

One of CRA’s biggest objectives—from an I&E perspective—has been to shine a brighter spotlight on the holidays, observances, and commemorations celebrated by many historically marginalized communities.

Mosaic@CRA played a crucial role in several of these campaigns and initiatives last year, including:

  • A social-media campaign highlighting the voices and perspectives of Hispanic/Latino team members in honor of Hispanic Heritage Month; and
  • Cohosting a fireside chat with Sarah Echohawk, member of the Pawnee Nation and CEO of the American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES), following her presentation to CRA employees during Native American Heritage Month.

Community advancement

As part of its broader environmental, social, and governance (ESG) framework, CRA has identified two areas of focus for the future—employee empowerment and community advancement.

In a way, the two are mutually reinforcing: The better an organization is at empowering and galvanizing its employees, the more motivated they’ll be to participate in volunteer and pro-bono efforts; conversely, the more opportunities employees have to donate their time, the greater the organization’s employee-engagement becomes.

One of Mosaic@CRA’s proudest accomplishments exemplifies this dynamic. In response to three tragic disasters—the destruction caused by Hurricanes Fiona and Ian (in Puerto Rico and Florida, respectively) and devastating flooding in Pakistan—the group, in collaboration with the Corporate Giving Committee, helped spearhead donation-matching campaigns to help benefit victims in these communities.

The power of next gen

While empowering existing team members will always be a central focus of our I&E initiatives, we are also broadening our efforts to foster the next generation of consultants.

Once again, Mosaic@CRA stepped up to the plate. Throughout the year, members participated in four I&E-related panels—including a Masterclass in partnership with SEO London, an organization that provides educational and other resources to students from socioeconomically challenging backgrounds throughout the U.K.

The group was also well represented at one of CRA’s specially-curated Widen Our Welcome (WOW) recruiting events of the year: a dinner with the firm’s very own CEO, Paul Maleh—part of a broader partnership with the Dartmouth University chapter of QuestBridge, a nonprofit which connects low-income students with colleges and universities throughout the U.S.

Just the beginning  

While last year was undoubtedly a momentous success for Mosaic, the group has even more in store for 2023—initiatives we hope will both expand our membership and amplify the group’s impact across the firm.

These include:

  • More events at local CRA offices designed to increase connectivity;
  • The launch of a joint ERG Mentorship Program in alliance with Women@CRA and OutLoud@CRA;
  • A new business-development initiative to better understand how CRA can support and utilize diverse businesses;
  • Events and campaigns for Black History Month, Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, Hispanic Heritage Month, and Native American Heritage Month.

And much, much more.

For Mosaic@CRA, 2022 was a groundbreaking year, one that saw us set a solid foundation for the future. Looking ahead, the group’s goal is to continue building a strong and sustainable foundation for the future—while pursuing initiatives that engage and empower as many CRA team members as possible.
