Speaking Engagement

Chicago Booth 2024 Antitrust and Competition Conference - Antitrust, Regulation and the Diffusion of Innovation

April 18-19, 2024
Chicago, IL
Fordham’s 48th Annual Conference on International Antitrust Law and Policy

Fiona Scott Morton moderates the panel session titled “Case Studies: AT&T & IBM” and is a panelist during the session titled “Regulatory Competition, the DMA and Innovation.”

AT&T & IBM Session: The antitrust litigation against AT&T and IBM are two of the most discussed (and celebrated) cases in U.S. history. Some claim that both decisions shaped the creation and development of the transistor and personal computer, while others believe the actual long-term impact of this enforcement was minimal. This case study panel discusses the consequences of both cases.

Regulatory Competition Session: 2024 will mark the official entry into force of the European Digital Markets Act (DMA), one of the most significant legislative acts to increase competition in digital markets. Its avowed goals are to increase competition and spur innovation in a wide range of markets. For its critics, though, the DMA threatens regulatory overreach that could lead to improper enforcement and the diminishment of innovation and consumer welfare. This panel discusses what to expect from the DMA and whether this shift towards a new model of regulatory competition for digital markets should also happen in the U.S.

Bob Topel is a panelist during the session titled “Case Studies: Microsoft.” The litigation against Microsoft was another hallmark of U.S. antitrust enforcement in high-technology markets. This panel brings together three experts connected with the litigation—a plaintiff attorney, a defense expert, and a technical expert in charge of implementing the imposed remedies—to discuss the long-term impacts of that case, as well as what lessons (if any) it offers for today’s litigation against Big Tech.

Joshua Gans is a panelist during the session titled “How (Not) To Regulate AI: Challenges and Opportunities.” Regulation of artificial intelligence is the talk of the town: From the AI Act in the EU to the White House’s executive order on AI, governments around the world are scrambling to influence the development of this novel technology. Less attention, however, is paid to the potential pitfalls of AI regulation, and how it may end up entrenching incumbents and hampering innovation. This panel brings together experts from different fields to discuss how to avoid such pitfalls.

Carl Shapiro is a panelist during the lunch debate “The Proper Role of Economics in Merger Review.

For more information on this event, click here.

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