2024 International Arbitration review: Updates and trends
Dear Clients and Friends, Our activities in 2024 reflected ongoing trends from 2023 and emerging forces affecting the landscape for investors and companies...
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Dr. Sean Sheridan is a vice president in the Intellectual Property Practice at CRA. He has served as an expert witness in cases brought before federal and state courts, the Patent Trial and Appeal Board, the International Trade Commission, and arbitration tribunals.
Dr. Sheridan has developed numerous damages analyses related to patent infringement, breach of contract, and trade secret misappropriation, including analyses quantifying lost profits, reasonable royalties, and unjust enrichment. He has also provided financial consulting services for a variety of non-litigation purposes including transaction due diligence, license negotiations, and strategic decision‐making. The engagements he has worked on span a wide range of industries and products, including pharmaceuticals, recombinant therapeutic proteins, vaccines, gene editing, medical devices, diagnostics, research tools, electronic health records, and many others outside of the life sciences.
Previously, Dr. Sheridan was as an assistant director at the technology transfer office at the University of Chicago where he was responsible for managing the intellectual property strategy for a broad range of technologies and was frequently required to assess the value of new discoveries and potential products. In that role he personally negotiated a variety of contracts including licenses, option agreements, and collaboration agreements with companies ranging from Fortune 500 firms to small start-ups.
Dr. Sheridan is a frequent speaker and instructor on intellectual property valuation, and also publishes on related topics. He was named to the IAM Patent 1000: The World’s Leading Patent Professionals (economic experts) every year since 2019.