Michelle Burtis contributes to 2023 Antitrust Economics for Lawyers
This chapter discusses the evolution of economic and statistical models used in antitrust class certification proceedings. Since some courts have found that...
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Dr. Michelle Burtis is an expert in antitrust litigation, damages, and intellectual property matters.
She has testified in numerous direct and indirect purchaser class actions in federal and state courts and provided economic analysis on high profile antitrust litigation matters. She has also provided analyses related to the competitive effects of mergers to the Federal Trade Commission and Department of Justice.
Dr. Burtis has significant experience in applying economic analysis to alleged horizontal conduct such as price fixing and claims of attempted monopolization. She has analyzed various intellectual property issues, including damages claims. Her work encompasses a broad range of industries, including natural resources, consumer products, computer software, and service industries.
She has published articles on antitrust and intellectual property issues for the Antitrust Law Journal, Journal of Business Valuation, Supreme Court Economic Review, and antitrust publications for the American Bar Association. Dr. Burtis is regular speaker on antitrust and other economic topics, and has taught economics at the University of Texas at Austin and George Mason University.