Mark Meyer

Senior Consultant

Dr. Mark F. Meyer is a senior consultant and specializes in insurance economics at CRA. He has over 30 years of experience applying economic theory and quantitative methods to a range of complex business litigation and regulatory matters.

Dr. Meyer’s experience includes assessing liability and damages for litigations involving firms engaged in financial markets, especially insurance; investigations of insurer insolvencies; antitrust analysis of monopolization, mergers, and price discrimination in a wide range of industries; work in the economics of product distribution and marketing; analysis of regulatory initiatives involving insurance and other industries; and statistical and econometric applications to liability determination, market definition, class certification, and economic damages.

Dr. Meyer has served as an expert witness in captive insurance cases and published public policy research in disability insurance and risk definition/allocation in financial markets.

Prior to joining CRA, Dr. Meyer was a senior economist at the Princeton Economics Group, Inc.; senior managing economist and a director in the New York office of the Law & Economics Consulting Group, Inc.; and an economist at the law firm of Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom in New York.

Selected engagements

  • 01
    CRA consultants help IRS win key § 831(b) captive insurance dispute
    CRA consultants provided expert testimony and consulting assistance to attorneys with the IRS’s Office of Chief Counsel in their successful efforts in the...
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